Industrie 500       

Industrie 500 HD 

Industrie 500 HS



The new dimension of
productivity and safety.


The industry 500 QuickStop defines terms such as freedom of movement,
power and cutting speed completely new and maximize the safety of the operator at the same time. This is unique.


Excellent working conditions.
Thanks to unique safety device


Who wants to work on a band saw always with the thought that he could injure himself or even cut off a finger.
Who can work 8 hours with highest concentration.
Who can do 12,000 cuts a day or 60,000 cuts a week without losing control for a fraction of a second?

For this momentary failure, the QUICKSTOP device was developed by us.




The camera - the third ultrafast eye!

The camera is designed that the original safety-relevant and tested facilities have been remained unchanged.


The QUICKSTOP is an additional option for the Industry 500 and Profi 400.
Subsequent installation in existing machines is not possible.

Easy operation of the machine.


The operator starts the machine as usual.
It only takes 1 minute to switch on the machine for the first time
until the QUICKSTOP system is ready for use.
As soon as the green light is constantly lit, the machine can be taken into operation.


The operator does his job routinely.
To be protected, it is the indispensable prerequisite
that he wears a blue glove for sawing on each hand. (Other colors are programmable.)


New technology makes the Quickstop possible::


Take a fast camera, a super fast computer, develop a software, construct a mechanic
and make experiments - and try again and again and again.
Finally, after 3 years of development, the QUICKSTOP device is ready for series production.


Reaction time machine compared to humans

The camera monitors a defined area in front of the band saw blade with up to 800 frames per second. This results in a time interval of 1.25 milliseconds. One second is equal to 1000 milliseconds.
The reaction time of the system is about 4-6 milliseconds.
The saw blade comes to a standstill between 10 and 20 milliseconds.


For comparison, a human has a reaction time of 500 milliseconds.
Wikipedia writes:
The reaction time is the time span between the recognition of a specific reaction occasion and

the beginning of the (defense) action directed to it.

It is psychologically and physiologically determined and is due to visual stimulation;

which make 80% of our perceptual content, between about 0.2 and 0.3 seconds (200 to 300 milliseconds).

If a look-up (Saccade) is required, it alone requires another approx. 0.35 seconds (350 milliseconds).

The reaction time is different for visual, acoustic and tactile stimuli. (End quote Wikipedia)

In this time of about 500 milliseconds  already 2500 teeth have passed the cutting spot and have already
cut a deep wound. The saw band does not distinguish between human and animal meat - unfortunately.
In addition, the saw blade has the full power of the drive motor plus the kinetic energy of the drive and deflection pulley.
No mercy and no escape for the one who has the misfortune to get into the saw band.

Assuming the worst braking time for the quick stop is 20 milliseconds and correspondingly 100 teeth.
In contrast to unrestrained cutting the quick stop but has the advantage that the saw blade comes to a standstill in this time. So stopped from 30 meters per second to 0 meters per second. This let´s us assume 50 teeth, which cause an injury during this time.
If the movement of the hand in the direction of the band saw blade is not too fast, then no injury is likely.

The patent pending difference: The sudden de-tensioning of the saw blade.


As soon as the stop mechanism is triggered, the saw blade is simultaneously released. Thus, the saw blade is decoupled from the drive roller and the upper pulley.

The saw blade can be blocked quickly due to its low mass.

Since the saw blade is no longer driven, it can no longer transfer a large cutting energy.

This process significantly reduces the severity of the injury.

Due to the mechanically executed clamping of the saw blade, the saw blade inevitably comes to a standstill.

Thus, the operator has a very good chance of surviving the accident unhurt.


With a cable connected to the machine - even more security

What advantages does the additional protection of the employee with a cable offer.
- In the event that the camera fails, the cable still offers one
    additional trip contact.
- Prerequisite is that the employee wears a glove that

  is electrically conductive.
- It must be additionally worn a rubber glove that

  electrically isolate the conductive glove from the machine.
- The glove is cut by the band saw blade. Thus, the conductive

   glove comes into contact with the band saw blade.
- a small harmless current flows and triggers the QUICKSTPOP  

- as there is no lead time for the QUICKSTOP

  there is likely to be an injury.
- how severe the injury is depends on the direction of movement

  and the speed of movement.
In any case, an injury is significantly lower than without QUICKSTOP.

Combi  200    I Saw 215     Universal 300      Profi 400        Industrie 500         Mammut 800    Mammut 830